Can prisoners use Amazon

Can prisoners use Amazon

Can Prisoners Use Amazon in UK Prisons?

Introduction The question of whether prisoners in the UK can use Amazon for ordering items has garnered interest among those with loved ones in the prison system. This article explores the policies regarding the use of Amazon and similar services in UK prisons.

Understanding Prison Regulations on Item Procurement

General Rules for Receiving Items UK prison regulations are strict about what items inmates can receive and the sources from which these items can be obtained. The rules are designed to maintain security and order within the prison system.

Specific Restrictions on Online Shopping Direct online shopping, including the use of Amazon, is generally not permitted for inmates in UK prisons. This is due to security concerns and the need to control and screen all items entering the facility.

Alternative Ways Inmates Can Receive Items

Approved Suppliers and Catalogues Inmates have access to approved suppliers or catalogues, from which they can order specific items. These catalogues often include a range of products like books, magazines, and some personal items.

Friends and Family Sending Items Friends and family can send certain items to inmates, subject to prison rules. These items typically need to be sent directly from the retailer, like Amazon, to the prison.

The Process of Sending Items from Amazon to Prison

Direct Shipping from Retailer When sending items from Amazon to an inmate, the purchase must be shipped directly from Amazon to the prison. This ensures that the item is new and hasn’t been tampered with.

Adhering to Prison Approval Lists Items sent must conform to the prison’s approval list, which varies by facility. Prohibited items include anything that could pose a security risk.

Restrictions on Items and Security Measures


Screening and Security Checks All items sent to prisons, including those from Amazon, undergo rigorous security checks. This is to prevent contraband from entering the prison.

Limitations on Types of Items Commonly allowed items include books and educational materials. Electronic items, certain clothing, and other goods may be restricted or prohibited.

The Role of In-Prison Purchasing Systems

Prisoners’ Canteen System Inmates in UK prisons have access to a canteen system, where they can purchase items using funds from their prison accounts. This system provides a controlled environment for inmates to obtain necessary goods.

Availability of Products in the Canteen The range of products available in the prison canteen is limited compared to online retailers like Amazon but is designed to meet basic needs and some comforts.

The Use of Technology and E-Commerce in Prisons

Evolving Policies on Technology in Prisons While currently direct use of Amazon or similar e-commerce platforms is not allowed, prison policies on technology use are evolving. Some prisons are experimenting with secure in-prison tablet systems for limited purposes.

Future Prospects of E-Commerce in Prisons There is ongoing discussion about how technology, including e-commerce, can be safely integrated into the prison environment to aid in rehabilitation and maintain family connections.

Supporting Inmates Through Purchases

Guidelines for Sending Gifts Friends and family looking to support inmates through purchases should familiarize themselves with the specific prison’s rules on receiving items and choose gifts accordingly.


While prisoners in UK prisons cannot directly use Amazon or other online shopping platforms, there are avenues through which they can receive items from these services, provided the purchases conform to prison regulations. Understanding and adhering to these rules is key to ensuring that inmates can receive support and goods from the outside world safely and securely.