why prison guards officers are called screws?

why prison guards officers are called screws

why prison guards officers are called screws

For those unfamiliar with prison lingo or the intricacies of correctional facilities, terms like “screws” might sound out of place. However, within the walls of many prisons, this colloquial term is widely recognized as a reference to prison guards or officers. But why is that? Delving into the etymology and historical contexts can offer an enlightening perspective.

Origins and Historical Context

The term “screw” as a nickname for prison officers traces its roots back to the British prison system. Many theories surround its origin:

  1. Treadmill Theory: One popular belief is that it originated from the large treadmills used in Victorian prisons. These treadmills, often referred to as “screws,” were devices prisoners were forced to walk on, often for long hours. The guards operating or supervising these machines became synonymous with the activity and were eventually called “screws”.

  2. Turning the Screw: Another theory suggests that the term arose from the act of “turning the screw,” meaning making life harder for inmates. This action could be literal, as in using a screw press or other torture device, or metaphorical, referencing the prison officers’ roles in enforcing rules and discipline.

why prison guards officers are called screws
2 why prison guards officers are called screws

why prison guards officers are called screws

Modern Connotations and Usage

Over time, the term “screw” has evolved and been adopted in various prison systems worldwide, not just in Britain. Its connotation can range from mildly pejorative to purely descriptive, depending on the context.

While many prison officers might consider it derogatory, some see it as a nod to the historical roots of their profession. It’s important to note that language is fluid, and the meanings and connotations of terms like “screw” can change over time based on societal attitudes and cultural shifts.

A Broader Perspective

The term provides a glimpse into the often intricate relationships between inmates and prison staff. Like many professional fields, the world of corrections has its unique language, shaped by years of tradition, societal changes, and evolving dynamics within prison walls.

In Conclusion

While the term “screw” might seem like a simple slang term, it’s deeply rooted in the history of the correctional system and offers insights into the complex world of prisons. Understanding its origins can foster a deeper appreciation for the evolution of prison culture and the roles that officers play within it. As with all terms, it’s essential to approach its use with sensitivity, recognizing the multifaceted nature of prison dynamics.