What is Thameside Prison Like?

What is Thameside Prison Like?

If you’re searching for information on Thameside Prison, you’ve come to the right place. This article covers the latest news, the experience of inmates, the prison’s history, its location, and other essential details.

Recent News

  • Violent Incidents: A recent report highlighted a case where a prisoner died after his throat was slashed.
  • Performance Decline: According to Yahoo News, the prison’s performance has worsened since the pandemic.
  • Officer Assault Case: A Thameside prison officer pleaded guilty to assault after kicking an attacker.

What It’s Like for a Prisoner

Inmates at Thameside have a generally positive view of staff-prisoner relations, describing them as ‘very good’ and ‘better than many jails’. They appreciate the in-cell phones and kiosks, as well as the excellent family relationship support, including regular family visits and ‘baby bonding’ sessions.

What is Thameside Prison Like?

What is Thameside Prison Like?

History of the Prison

Thameside Prison is a Category B Local prison that opened in 2012. It has a capacity of 1232 inmates and is operated by Serco.


The prison is located in Greater London.

Contact Details

  • Phone: Specific number not publicly available
  • Email: Specific email not publicly available
  • Visiting Hours: Please refer to the official website for the most current information.

Parking and Accessibility

Parking is generally available, but it’s advisable to arrive early as spaces can fill up quickly.

Management and Staff

The management team believes that the prison is ‘safe’ despite the presence of over 140 gangs. They attribute this to excellent staff-prisoner relations and a highly skilled workforce. They also highlight the prison’s comprehensive Violence Reduction (VR) strategy and effective Security department.

Officers and Managers

Officers value the involvement of prisoners in the regime and appreciate the support from a wide range of outside agencies. They also highlight excellent mental health support and support for maintaining family relationships.


Thameside Prison offers a complex environment with both challenges and opportunities. From concerns about violence to positive staff-prisoner relations, the prison is a multifaceted institution. If you’re planning a visit, make sure to stay updated with the latest news and guidelines.

What is Thameside Prison Like?