Do UK Prisons Have a Gym?

Do UK Prisons Have a Gym?

The question “Do UK prisons have a gym?” is one that has piqued the interest of many, from concerned family members to curious citizens. The presence of gym facilities in prisons is often a topic of debate, touching on issues of prisoner rights, rehabilitation, and public opinion. In this article, we’ll delve into whether or not gyms are a common feature in UK prisons and explore the reasoning behind their inclusion or exclusion.

The Short Answer: Yes, Most Do

To answer the question succinctly: yes, the majority of prisons in the UK do have some form of gym facilities. However, the quality, size, and accessibility of these gyms can vary significantly from one institution to another.

Types of Equipment

The gym facilities in UK prisons are generally equipped with basic exercise equipment. This can include weights, treadmills, and exercise bikes. The aim is to provide inmates with the opportunity for physical activity, which is considered beneficial for both mental and physical health.

Do UK Prisons Have a Gym?

Do UK Prisons Have a Gym?

Why Gyms Are Included in Prisons

Physical Health

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, and this is no different for prisoners. Physical activity can help manage weight, improve cardiovascular health, and even reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Mental Well-being

Exercise is also known to have a positive impact on mental health. It can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, which are common issues among the prison population.


Gyms can play a role in the rehabilitation process. Physical activity can serve as a constructive way to pass time, build discipline, and develop a routine—skills that can be beneficial upon re-entry into society.

Earning the Privilege

Access to gym facilities is often considered a privilege rather than a right. Many prisons operate on an “Incentives and Earned Privileges” (IEP) system, where good behaviour can earn inmates additional perks, including gym access.

Public Opinion and Controversy

The presence of gyms in prisons is not without its critics. Some argue that prison should focus on punishment and deterrence, rather than providing what they see as luxuries. However, proponents counter that gym facilities are an essential part of rehabilitation and humane treatment.

Legal Considerations

It’s worth noting that according to UK law and international human rights standards, prisoners have the right to engage in at least one hour of physical exercise per day. Therefore, providing gym facilities is often seen as a legal obligation, rather than an optional luxury.


So, do UK prisons have a gym? The answer is generally yes, but the extent and quality of these facilities can vary. Gyms in prisons serve multiple purposes, from improving physical and mental health to aiding in the rehabilitation process. While the topic remains a point of debate, the inclusion of gym facilities in UK prisons is often considered both a legal requirement and a beneficial amenity for inmates.

Whether you view the presence of gyms in prisons as a necessary part of humane treatment or a topic for debate, it’s an integral aspect of the UK’s approach to incarceration and rehabilitation.

Do UK Prisons Have a Gym?