How Do You Survive a Partner in Prison?

How Do You Survive a Partner in Prison

How Do You Survive a Partner in Prison? Navigating Challenges and Maintaining Relationships in the UK

Introduction Having a partner in prison can be a profound challenge, impacting emotional well-being, daily life, and future plans. This article offers guidance on surviving and thriving during this difficult period, specifically focusing on the context of UK prisons.

Understanding and Coping with Emotional Impact

Emotional Challenges of Having a Partner in Prison The emotional toll of having a partner in prison includes dealing with loneliness, stigma, and uncertainty about the future. Acknowledging these feelings is a crucial step in coping with them.

Strategies for Emotional Resilience Building emotional resilience can involve seeking support from friends, family, or professional counsellors. Engaging in self-care activities and maintaining a routine can also be beneficial.

Maintaining Communication with Partner In Prison

Navigating Prison Communication Systems Understanding how to communicate with your partner in prison is vital. This includes familiarising yourself with the prison’s rules on letters, phone calls, and visitations.

Maximising Quality of Communication Making the most of the communication opportunities available, such as writing meaningful letters or planning for productive visitations, is key to maintaining a strong emotional connection.

Financial Management and Practical Considerations

Handling Financial Strain The absence of a partner can bring financial strain. It’s important to assess your financial situation, explore potential benefits you might be eligible for, and consider seeking financial advice if necessary.

Managing Day-to-Day Responsibilities Taking over responsibilities that were previously shared can be challenging. Creating a manageable routine and possibly seeking assistance from family or community resources can help in adjusting to the new situation.

Supporting Children and Family Dynamics

Discussing Incarceration with Children If children are involved, it’s crucial to handle their questions and emotions sensitively. Being honest at a level appropriate to their age and providing reassurance about their security and the future is important.

Maintaining Family Bonds Encouraging children to maintain a relationship with their incarcerated parent through letters or visits can help preserve family bonds and provide emotional support for both the children and the incarcerated parent.

Navigating Social Stigma and Building Support Networks

Dealing with Social Stigma Confronting the social stigma associated with having a partner in prison can be challenging. Finding supportive friends or groups, and possibly connecting with others in similar situations, can provide a sense of community and understanding.

Building a Support Network Creating a support network can involve joining support groups, participating in community activities, or seeking professional counselling. These networks can provide emotional support and practical advice.

Planning for the Future

Setting Realistic Expectations It’s important to set realistic expectations for life during and after your partner’s incarceration. This might involve making plans for reintegration post-release or considering changes to your living situation or employment.

Utilising Resources and Preparing for Reintegration Utilising available resources, such as rehabilitation programs, educational courses, or counselling services, can help in preparing for your partner’s return and reintegration into family and society.


Surviving a partner in prison in the UK requires emotional resilience, effective communication, and practical management of daily life. Building a support network, maintaining a connection with your partner, and planning for the future are crucial aspects of navigating this challenging journey. It’s a path marked by challenges, but with the right support and resources, it is possible to emerge stronger and more resilient.