What is Nottingham Prison Like?

What is Nottingham Prison Like?

What is Nottingham Prison Like? A Comprehensive Guide

History of Nottingham Prison

Established in 1890 and located in Nottinghamshire, Nottingham Prison is a Category B Local prison with a capacity of 800 inmates. Operated by Her Majesty’s Prison Service (HMPS), it has a long history of serving the local community.

What is Life Like Inside Nottingham Prison?

Officers’ Perspective

Officers commend the “excellent” relationships among staff, describing their workplace environment as a “real family.” There is significant appreciation for in-cell phones, which have been instrumental in reducing violence. Furthermore, a dedicated safer custody team and thorough screening at reception have led to fewer ACCTs (Assessment, Care in Custody, and Teamwork). The Governor’s visible presence and open-door policy, as well as twice the standard number of Custodial Managers (CMs) per wing, instil a sense of support and safety among staff.

What is Nottingham Prison Like?

What is Nottingham Prison Like?

Managers’ View

Managers echo the officers in praising staff enthusiasm, resilience, and positivity. They value the focus on showing appreciation to staff for their hard work. Reception procedures are highly rated, as are peer-led inductions for new inmates. Other commendable features include Signposters on each wing, wing councils, and bi-monthly Prisoner Council meetings. The substance misuse team also gets a nod for their excellent work.

From the Prisoners

Inmates describe Nottingham Prison as clean and safe, noting a considerable reduction in violence thanks to a dedicated CSIP (Challenge, Support, and Intervention Plan) landing and zero-tolerance approach. Substance abuse issues like Spice and Mamba have declined significantly. Prisoners appreciate the CMs’ presence on the wings, along with Signposters, wing councils, and the bi-monthly Prisoner Council meetings. The availability of in-cell phones and high-quality gyms further enhances their experience.

Location and Accessibility

Nottingham Prison is conveniently located in Nottinghamshire, making it accessible for family visits, legal appointments, and other necessities.

News and Updates

The institution continually strives for improvements, focusing on staff well-being, violence reduction, and prisoner rehabilitation. They are particularly known for their innovative approaches to substance misuse and safety protocols.


Nottingham Prison boasts excellent staff-prisoner relations, a focus on safety, and multiple avenues for rehabilitation. With its rich history and commitment to bettering the lives of those inside, it stands as a leading institution in the HMPS.

Aerial view of Nottingham Prison, showcasing its facilities and surrounding area.