What is Moorland Prison Like?

An exterior view of Moorland Prison with its security fences and guard towers.

What is Moorland Prison Like? A Comprehensive Overview of the Category C Facility

History of Moorland Prison

Located in South Yorkshire, Moorland Prison is a Category C facility with the capacity to house 1006 inmates. Opened in 1991, the prison is operated by Her Majesty’s Prison Service (HMPS) and has garnered attention for its modern facilities and comprehensive programmes aimed at rehabilitation.

What Is Life Really Like for a Prisoner at Moorland?

From the Prisoners’ Perspective

Inmates have generally good relations with staff and appreciate the ‘consistent’ regime. Safety measures have vastly improved, leading to a noticeable decline in the use of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS). The Keyworker scheme is highly valued, as are the in-cell phones. Family days and extended visits are especially popular among prisoners who have reached the Enhanced level. The gym is lauded for its excellent facilities, staff, and accessibility. The PICTA (IT) course is described as ‘brilliant’ and is a high point for many inmates.

From the Officers’ Perspective

Officers affirm the positive staff relations and note a significant improvement in safety due to increased staffing. Employee well-being days, annual sports events, and a staff café open seven days a week contribute to a positive work environment. The implementation of photocopying mail has been effective in reducing the use of Spice. In-cell phones, which include 24/7 access to the Samaritans, are highly rated.

What is Moorland Prison Like?

What is Moorland Prison Like?

From the Managers’ Perspective

Managers agree that the increase in staff has led to a more consistent regime and improved staff-prisoner relationships. Various channels, such as daily wing briefings and monthly meetings, keep communication flowing smoothly. The prison piloted the Challenge Support Intervention Plan (CSIP), which has proven effective in managing challenging behaviour among prisoners.

Location and Accessibility

Moorland Prison is situated in South Yorkshire, making it easily accessible for families and legal representatives alike.

News and Updates on Moorland Prison

Moorland Prison was among the first to pilot the CSIP programme, aimed at better managing challenging prisoners. This has been effectively combined with regular complex case reviews, and a separate wing dedicated for Basic-level prisoners to focus on behaviour challenges.

In Summary

Moorland Prison sets itself apart with its focus on modern facilities, a consistent regime, and strong staff-prisoner relations. Its evolving approaches to inmate management and staff welfare make it a noteworthy institution within the UK’s prison landscape.

What is Moorland Prison Like?