Prison Sentence Calculator

Prison Sentence Calculator

Prison Sentence Calculator

Prison Sentence Calculator, Figuring out what kind of sentence you may be handed down at court for your crime, fraud, or other court case you are facing is one of those questions youd like to know the answer to before getting the judgement.

In the UK, prison sentences are determined by the courts and take into account a variety of factors, including the seriousness of the crime, the offender’s criminal history, and the harm caused to the victim(s). The courts also consider the Sentencing Council’s guidelines, which provide a framework for determining the appropriate sentence for a particular offence.

It’s important to note that the guidelines are just that — they are not hard and fast rules, and each case is considered on its own merits. If you have been charged with a crime, it’s essential to consult a criminal defense attorney who can provide you with legal advice and represent you in court.

Prison Sentence Calculation

Prison Sentence Calculation

If youre found guilty of a crime, the sentence youll be handed down will depend on a number of factors including seriousness of the crime committed, your age, if you already have a criminal record and if you plead guilty or not guilty.

Aggrevating or mitigating circumstances also get taken into consideration when being sentenced.

You can read more about sentencing guidelines here: THE SENTENCING COUNCIL

Looking to appeal a prison sentence? Click here

Fraud Prison Sentence Calculation

Fraud Prison Sentence Calculation

Fraud Prison Sentence Calculation. If you’re looking at being convicted of fraud and want to know what type of sentence you may get, you need to know some information first about the severity of the crime and your role in the fraud known as culpability.

This is demostrated by 3 categories, High culpability, medium culpability and lesser culpability.

Read below where you feel you would place in the culpability aspect:


Do you go to jail for fraud UK?

A) High culpability

  • A leading role where offending is part of a group activity
  • Involvement of others through pressure, influence
  • Abuse of position of power or trust or responsibility
  • Sophisticated nature of offence/significant planning
  • Fraudulent activity conducted over sustained period of time
  • Large number of victims
  • Deliberately targeting victim on basis of vulnerability

B) Medium culpability

  • A significant role where offending is part of a group activity
  • Other cases that fall between categories A or C because:
    • Factors are present in A and C which balance each other out and/or
    • The offender’s culpability falls between the factors as described in A and C

C) Lesser culpability

  • Involved through coercion, intimidation or exploitation
  • Not motivated by personal gain
  • Peripheral role in organised fraud
  • Opportunistic ‘one-off’ offence; very little or no planning
  • Limited awareness or understanding of the extent of fraudulent activity

Fraud Sentence Calculator

Now that youve worked out your culpability, use the accused fraud amoun together with your selected culpability to roughly figure out you sentence amount

Category 1


£500,000 or more

Starting point based on £1 million

Starting point
7 years’ custody
Starting point
5 years’ custody
Starting point
3 years’ custody
Category range
5 – 8 years’ custody
Category range
3 – 6 years’ custody
Category range
18 months’ – 4 years’ custody
Category 2


£100,000 – £500,000

Starting point based on £300,000

Starting point
5 years’ custody
Starting point
3 years’ custody
Starting point
18 months’ custody
Category range
3 – 6 years’ custody
Category range
18 months’ – 4 years’ custody
Category range
26 weeks’ – 3 years’ custody
Category 3


£20,000 – £100,000

Starting point based on £50,000

Starting point
3 years’ custody
Starting point
18 months’ custody
Starting point
26 weeks’ custody
Category range
18 months’ – 4 years’ custody
Category range
26 weeks’ – 3 years’ custody
Category range
Medium level community order – 1 year’s custody
Category 4


£5,000- £20,000

Starting point based on £12,500

Starting point
18 months’ custody
Starting point
26 weeks’ custody
Starting point
Medium level community order
Category range
26 weeks’ – 3 years’ custody
Category range
Medium level community order – 1 year’s custody
Category range
Band B fine – High level community order
Category 5


Less than £5,000

Starting point based on £2,500

Starting point
36 weeks’ custody
Starting point
Medium level community order
Starting point
Band B fine
Category range
High level community order – 1 year’s custody
Category range
Band B fine – 26 weeks’ custody
Category range
Discharge – Medium level community order