How much money do prisoners get when released UK

How much money do prisoners get when released UK

How Much Money Do Prisoners Get When Released in the UK?

Introduction Upon release from prison, inmates in the UK are provided with a certain amount of money to aid in their initial resettlement. This article explores the financial support offered to released prisoners in the UK, including how it is calculated and its intended purpose.

Understanding the Discharge Grant

Basic Discharge Grant The discharge grant is a standard amount given to all prisoners upon release. As of the latest guidelines, this amount stands at £46. This grant is intended to cover immediate expenses like food and transport.

Eligibility for the Grant All prisoners who have served their sentence and are being released are eligible for this discharge grant, regardless of the length of their sentence.

Additional Financial Support for Released Prisoners

ousing Benefit and Council Support In addition to the discharge grant, released prisoners may be eligible for housing benefits or support from their local council, especially if they face homelessness.

Applying for Universal Credit Released inmates are encouraged to apply for Universal Credit or other benefits immediately upon release to ensure continuous financial support.

Prisoners' Earnings and Savings

Earnings from Prison Jobs Inmates who work in prison can earn money, a portion of which can be saved and accessed upon release. The amount varies depending on the type of work and the prison.

Savings and Private Funds Prisoners can also use any personal funds they saved before or during their incarceration. These funds may come from personal savings, family contributions, or other legal sources.

Managing Finances After Release

Financial Management and Planning Prisons in the UK often offer financial management courses or support services to help inmates plan their post-release finances, focusing on effective use of the discharge grant and any other funds.

Guidance on Budgeting and Expenses Budgeting advice is provided to ensure that the discharge grant and any other funds are used wisely to cover essential expenses in the initial days after release.

The Role of Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs)

Support from CRCs CRCs play a crucial role in supporting released prisoners, including offering advice on financial matters and connecting them to relevant benefits and support services.

Assistance with Employment and Housing CRCs also assist in finding employment and stable housing, which are crucial for the long-term financial stability of released prisoners.

Challenges and Limitations of the Discharge Grant

Adequacy of the Amount The adequacy of the £46 discharge grant is often debated, with concerns that it may not be sufficient to meet the immediate needs of released prisoners, especially in high-cost areas.

Calls for Increased Support There have been calls from various organizations and advocacy groups for an increase in the discharge grant and for more comprehensive support for released inmates.

Accessing Additional Support and Services

Charities and Non-Profit Organizations Several charities and non-profit organizations provide additional support to released prisoners, including financial assistance, clothing, and food.

Long-term Financial Planning Services These organizations may also offer long-term financial planning services to help former inmates achieve financial stability and avoid reoffending.


The financial support provided to prisoners upon release in the UK, primarily through the discharge grant, is designed to help them meet immediate post-release expenses. While this support plays a crucial role in the initial resettlement period, ongoing support and assistance from CRCs, government benefits, and charitable organizations are essential for the long-term financial stability and successful reintegration of released prisoners into society.