What is Isis Prison Like?


What is Isis Prison Like? A Detailed Guide to the Greater London Facility


Often, the life inside a prison is wrapped in mystery and misunderstanding. However, Isis Prison, located in Greater London, offers a different narrative. A Category C facility that opened in 2010, Isis Prison is known for its focus on safety, education, and community building. In this article, we’ll give you an inside look at its history, what it’s like for the prisoners, and the officers and managers’ perspective.

Brief History of Isis Prison

Isis Prison is a relatively modern establishment, having opened its doors in 2010. Operated by Her Majesty’s Prison Service (HMPS), the facility has a capacity to accommodate 628 inmates and is designated as a Category C prison.


The prison is strategically located in Greater London, making it accessible and convenient for family visits and connectivity with the wider community.

What is Isis Prison Like?

What is Isis Prison Like?

Inside Isis Prison: Life Behind the Bars

Prisoners’ Perspective

Inmates at Isis Prison speak highly of the management, describing it as ‘highly visible’ and providing a ‘very safe’ atmosphere. The Prisoner Council and monthly meetings with senior managers stand out as particularly effective. Family visits are organized every couple of months and are lauded as ‘excellent.’ The prison also offers kiosks on the wings that minimize potential conflicts with staff and promote self-responsibility among prisoners. Additionally, inmates appreciate the ample time out of their cells and various work and training opportunities, especially the gym instructor courses and the ‘in-house’ record label.

Officers’ Point of View

Officers echo the positive sentiments from the prisoners. They describe Isis as a ‘good jail’ that ‘feels safe.’ They also appreciate the approachability and visibility of the management. Among the highlights are a monthly newsletter, comprehensive staff briefings, and a focus on training for both new and experienced officers. The culture among the staff is described as ‘very tight’ and ‘supportive,’ making it an encouraging environment to work in.

Managers’ Outlook

From the managerial standpoint, Isis Prison is cited for its ‘safe’ and ‘friendly’ atmosphere, facilitated by a ‘focus on kindness and compassion.’ Regular staff development days and the annual ‘Isis Awards’ ensure that team morale remains high. The management’s direct feedback on prisoner complaints is another strong point. Education and training opportunities are also emphasized, creating a holistic environment for both staff and prisoners.

News Reports and Information

Isis Prison is generally reported as a well-managed institution with few controversies. It has gained positive remarks for its focus on education, safety, and a constructive regime.

Isis Prison