Aberystwyth County Court

Aberystwyth County Court information, Contact Details & Address
Aberystwyth Bankruptcy Court

Aberystwyth County Court

Aberystwyth County Court for people living in Aberystwyth. Before going to the Aberystwyth Court whether it is for a hearing or magistrates, get all the information that you need on our website should the worse happen. 

If you are due to be sentenced or looking at facing a custodial sentence after being being found guilty at Aberystwyth Court we can let you know exactly what to take with you to prison, what prison is like and how to get cheaper prison calls. See our products in the menu or see below.

If you are being summoned to Aberystwyth County Court we advise that you go smart as first impressions court. If you are not keen in wearing a suit then go smart casual at least.

Arrive in plenty of time to your court hearing as the judge does not wait and this will go against you in your absence. 

All the Aberystwyth County Court contact details and address are on this page and the opening times for Aberystwyth Court.

Aberystwyth County Court
Edleston House
Queens Road
Aberystwyth Ceredigion
SY23 2LP

General Contacts

Switchboard 01970 636370
General Fax 01970 625985

Opening Times

Court building open 9.00 am
Court building closed 4.00 pm
Court counter open 10.00 am
Court counter closed 4.00 pm