Send letter to prisoner

Send a Letter to a Prisoner

Send letter to prisoner

How to Send a Letter to a Prisoner in the UK

Staying connected with loved ones behind bars is essential for both the prisoner and their friends and family. Sending letters can offer solace, hope, and a crucial lifeline to the outside world. If you’re considering writing to an inmate in the UK, here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Addressing the Letter: First and foremost, you need the full name and prisoner number of the individual you are writing to. Address the envelope as follows:

[Prisoner’s Full Name]
[Prisoner Number]
[Name of Prison]
[Prison Address]
[City, Postal Code]

Send letter to prisoner

2. Contents of the Letter: While you can generally express your feelings and share updates, be mindful of the content. Avoid discussing anything that might be seen as illegal, threatening, or could compromise the security of the prison.

3. Enclosures: Always check the specific prison’s policy before enclosing any items. Some may allow photographs, while others may not. Items like stamps, money, or any other valuables are typically not permitted. All letters will be opened and inspected for contraband.

4. Legal Correspondence: Letters from legal representatives, courts, or solicitors are usually exempt from routine checks. However, if the prison authorities suspect the letter isn’t genuinely from a legal source, they can open it in the presence of the inmate.

Send letter to a prisoner

Send letter to prisoner

5. Sending the Letter: Pop the letter in the post as you would any regular mail. Some prisons may have guidelines for mail, so familiarise yourself with these beforehand.

6. Receiving Letters from Prisoners: Prisoners are typically entitled to send one free letter per week. If they wish to send more, they’d need to buy stamps and envelopes from the prison shop or canteen. For those on remand, they are allowed two free letters weekly.

7. Safety Precautions: For your safety, consider using a PO Box or another alternative address instead of your home address.

In the UK, prisoners are provided with basic necessities, but they also have the option to purchase additional items using their personal funds. The prison’s canteen or shop is the primary place where prisoners can buy these items. Here’s a breakdown of what UK prisoners commonly spend their money on:

Send letter to a prisoner

8. What Not to Include: Certain content can lead to your letter being confiscated or not delivered, including:

  • Information related to escape plans or compromising prison security.
  • Content connected to criminal activities or breaches of prison rules.
  • Threats to national security or coded messages.
  • Any form of blackmail or threatening content.
  • Material that’s racially offensive or obscene.

9. Check for Specific Prison Regulations: Each prison might have its own set of rules regarding correspondence. It’s always a good idea to contact the prison or check their website for any specific guidelines.

10. Be Patient: Remember, the process inside a prison might be slower. There could be delays in your letter reaching the inmate or vice versa due to the checks in place.

Conclusion: Writing to a prisoner in the UK is a straightforward process, but it’s crucial to adhere to the rules to ensure your correspondence reaches its intended recipient. Keeping in touch can make a significant difference in an inmate’s life, providing them with comfort, connection, and hope.

Letter To Prisoner