What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?

What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?

What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?


If you’re looking for comprehensive information on Swinfen Hall Prison, you’ve come to the right place. This article will delve into the latest news, the experience of inmates, the prison’s history, its location, and other essential details.

Recent News

  • Community Outreach: A new initiative led by a mother who lost her son to knife crime is reaching out to violent criminals within the prison.
  • Poor Conditions: Reports indicate that the conditions at the prison are subpar, with some cells even missing windows.
  • Local Updates: For ongoing community and prison updates, you can visit this site.

What It’s Like for a Prisoner

Inmates at Swinfen Hall value the support provided for maintaining family relationships. They also appreciate the wide range of offending behaviour programmes (OBPs) and support for care leavers.

What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?

What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?

History of the Prison

Swinfen Hall is a Category C prison that opened in 1963. It has a capacity of 604 inmates and is operated by HMPS.


The prison is situated in Staffordshire.

Contact Details

  • Phone: Specific number not publicly available
  • Email: Specific email not publicly available
  • Visiting Hours: Please refer to the official website for the most current information.

Parking and Accessibility

Parking is generally available, but it’s advisable to arrive early as spaces can fill up quickly.

Management and Staff

The Governor and the management team are highly praised for their commitment to staff and inmates alike. They focus on a wide range of programmes and interventions, including the PIPE and PD assessment units.

Officers and Managers

Officers value the management’s consultation and feel that safety and security are strengths of the prison. Managers believe that staff-prisoner relationships are strong and that violence and drug use are comparatively low.


Swinfen Hall Prison offers a complex environment with both challenges and opportunities. From community outreach initiatives to concerns about conditions, the prison is continually evolving. If you’re planning a visit, make sure to stay updated with the latest news and guidelines.

What is Swinfen Hall Prison Like?