What crimes are Category C prisoners?

What crimes are Category C prisoners UK

What Crimes are Category C Prisoners Convicted Of? Your Complete UK Guide


The United Kingdom has a complex prison system, categorised into various levels based on the security required and the type of offenders housed. One category that often raises questions is “Category C.” So, what crimes are Category C prisoners typically convicted of? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore this subject in detail, focusing on the UK context.

What is a Category C Prison?

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what a Category C prison is. These are training prisons, often described as ‘closed’ facilities, where inmates are considered unlikely to make a determined escape attempt but cannot be trusted in open conditions. Category C prisons are designed for prisoners who pose a lower risk to the public and are serving shorter sentences for less severe crimes.

Characteristics of Category C Prisons

  • Moderate Security: While not as stringent as Category A or B, Category C prisons still have a reasonable level of security measures in place.

  • Rehabilitation Focus: These prisons often have programmes aimed at rehabilitating inmates, preparing them for eventual release.

  • Varied Facilities: Inmates may have access to educational courses, work assignments, and even vocational training.

What crimes are Category C prisoners?

What crimes are Category C prisoners?

Common Crimes for Category C Prisoners

Theft and Burglary

Many Category C prisoners are serving time for theft and burglary. These are non-violent crimes that nonetheless have a significant impact on victims.

Drug Offences

Possession or small-scale distribution of controlled substances often leads to a Category C classification. These are not the large-scale drug lords but individuals caught in the web of drug-related crimes.

Fraud and White-Collar Crimes

Financial crimes like fraud, embezzlement, and insider trading often result in a Category C classification. These crimes are typically non-violent but can have a substantial financial impact.

Assault and Battery

Some cases of assault and battery, particularly those that are less severe and where the offender has no prior violent convictions, may result in a Category C classification.

Public Order Offences

Crimes like affray, rioting, or violent protesting can also lead to a Category C classification, especially if it’s a first-time offence.

Vehicular Offences

Serious driving offences, such as dangerous driving or driving under the influence, may result in a Category C classification if they lead to imprisonment.

How is the Category Determined?

The Ministry of Justice conducts an assessment based on the crime committed, the sentence length, and the perceived risk to the public. This assessment helps determine the most appropriate category for each prisoner.


Category C prisons in the UK serve a vital role in the justice system. They house inmates convicted of less severe crimes and focus on rehabilitation to prepare prisoners for reintegration into society. Understanding the types of crimes that lead to Category C classification can provide valuable insights into the UK’s criminal justice system.

What crimes are Category C prisoners UK