What luxuries do prisoners get in the UK?

What luxuries do prisoners get in the UK

The topic of what luxuries prisoners receive in the UK is one that often sparks debate among the public, policymakers, and media. While some argue that prisoners are given too many comforts, others believe that certain amenities are essential for rehabilitation. In this article, we’ll explore what “luxuries” are available to inmates in the United Kingdom’s prison system and the reasoning behind them.

Basic Amenities vs Luxuries

Firstly, it’s important to distinguish between basic amenities and luxuries. Basic amenities include things like bedding, meals, and healthcare, which are provided to all prisoners. Luxuries, on the other hand, are non-essential items or privileges that inmates may have access to, depending on various factors.

Television Access

One of the most talked-about luxuries in UK prisons is access to television. In some facilities, prisoners can have a TV in their cell, but this is usually a privilege that must be earned through good behaviour. The channels available are limited and controlled to ensure appropriate content.

Gym Facilities

Another point of discussion is access to gym facilities. While not as lavish as your local fitness centre, prison gyms do offer basic equipment for exercise. This is considered beneficial for the mental and physical well-being of inmates.

What luxuries do prisoners get in the UK?

What luxuries do prisoners get in the UK?

Educational and Skill-Building Courses

While not a “luxury” in the traditional sense, access to educational and skill-building courses is often considered a privilege. These courses aim to equip prisoners with skills that will help them reintegrate into society upon release.

Earning Privileges

In the UK prison system, privileges like TV access or extra visitation rights are often part of an “Incentives and Earned Privileges” (IEP) scheme. Under this system, prisoners can earn additional comforts through good behaviour, participation in work programmes, or engagement in educational activities.

Controversies and Public Opinion

The provision of these so-called luxuries often divides public opinion. Critics argue that prisons should focus on punishment rather than comfort, while supporters believe that certain amenities can aid in the rehabilitation process.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

It’s worth noting that the provision of certain amenities is often guided by legal and ethical considerations. For example, exercise is considered a basic human right, and denying prisoners access to physical activity could be seen as inhumane.

The Role of Luxuries in Rehabilitation

Many experts argue that providing certain luxuries can actually be beneficial in the long run. Amenities like educational courses or gym facilities can contribute to the personal development of prisoners, making them less likely to reoffend upon release.


The term “luxuries” in the context of UK prisons can be somewhat misleading. While inmates may have access to certain comforts, these are often earned through good behaviour and are considered part of a broader strategy aimed at rehabilitation. The debate on what should and shouldn’t be provided to prisoners is ongoing, but what’s clear is that the issue is far from black and white.

Understanding what “luxuries” prisoners in the UK have access to requires a nuanced approach, taking into account the goals of the criminal justice system, ethical considerations, and the potential benefits of rehabilitation. Whether you view these amenities as justified or excessive, they are a component of a complex system that aims to balance punishment with reform.

What luxuries do prisoners get in the UK