HMP Belmarsh

Telephone Number for HMP Belmarsh

  • Contact: 020 8331 4400

Address for HMP Belmarsh

  • Location: Western Way, Thamesmead, London, SE28 0EB
High-security gates of HMP Belmarsh

HMP Belmarsh - Visiting Information

Book a Visit to HMP Belmarsh

Visiting Times

  • Weekdays: 14:00 – 17:00
  • Weekends: 09:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 17:00

How to Book a Visit

  1. Head to the official website and either sign in or create a new account.
  2. Choose an available date and time slot.
  3. Confirm your booking via email.

HMP Belmarsh - Directions to the Prison

Directions to HMP Belmarsh

  • By Car: Take the A2016 and follow signs for Thamesmead, then look for signs to HMP Belmarsh.
  • By Public Transport: The nearest train station is Plumstead. From there, you can take a bus or taxi.

General Information About HMP Belmarsh

HMP Belmarsh is a Category A high-security prison situated in Thamesmead, London. Established in 1991, the facility has a capacity to hold up to 910 male inmates. Known for its stringent security measures, HMP Belmarsh often houses high-profile and high-risk prisoners. The prison offers a range of educational and vocational programmes aimed at rehabilitation. Recent news stories have focused on its role in the UK’s penal system, particularly its ability to manage high-risk inmates securely.

HMP Belmarsh Email Address

HMP Belmarsh Official Website Link