HMP Cardiff

Telephone Number for HMP Cardiff

  • Contact: 029 2092 3100

Address for HMP Cardiff

  • Location: Knox Road, Cardiff, CF24 0UG
Entrance of HMP Cardiff

HMP Cardiff - Visiting Information

Visiting Times

  • Weekdays: 14:00 – 16:30
  • Weekends: 09:00 – 11:30, 14:00 – 16:30

How to Book a Visit

  1. Visit the official website and sign in or create an account.
  2. Pick a date and time that suits you.
  3. Confirm your booking via email.

HMP Cardiff - Directions to the Prison

Directions to HMP Cardiff

  • By Car: Take the A48 and follow signs for Cardiff city centre.
  • By Public Transport: The nearest train station is Cardiff Central. From there, you can take a taxi or local bus.

General Information About HMP Cardiff

HMP Cardiff is a Category B prison located in the heart of Cardiff, Wales. The prison was originally built in 1832 and has a current capacity to hold up to 784 male inmates. The facility is known for its focus on rehabilitation and offers a variety of educational and vocational programmes. Recent news stories have highlighted its efforts to improve conditions and reduce reoffending rates, making it a significant institution in the UK’s penal system.

HMP Cardiff Email Address

HMP Cardiff Official Website Link